
Technical Interview Questions - 13

Technical Interview Questions - 13 contains questions about which asked in interview Dew point temperature,  difference between density and Specific gravity, Calorific , between GCV and NCV, barrel, specific gravity,  Sp. Gravity and API gravity, calculate API Gravity, Specific Gravity to API gravity, Specific gravity of a crude oil

131. What is Dew point temperature?
132. Write difference between density and Specific gravity?
133. What is Calorific value (CV)?
134. What is the difference between GCV and NCV?
135. How does define a "ba

131. What is Dew point temperature?

It is a measure of the latent heat content of air-water vapor mixtures and since latent heat is a function of moisture content, the dew point temperature is determines by the moisture content.

132. Write difference between density and Specific gravity?

Fuel density: mass of the fuel to the volume at specified temperature.

Specific gravity of fuel: density of fuel, relative to water is called specific gravity. Higher the sp gravity, higher will the heating values.

133. What is Calorific value (CV)?

Energy content in an organic matter (CV) can be measured by burning it and measuring the heat released. The heating value of fuel is the measure of the heat released during the complete combustion of unit weight of fuel. 

It is expressed as Gross Calorific Value (GCV) or Net Calorific Value (NCV).

134. What is the difference between GCV and NCV?

The difference between GCV and NCV is the heat of vaporization of the moisture and atomic hydrogen (conversion to water vapor) in the fuel. 

Typical GCV and NCV for heavy fuel oil are 10500 kcal/kg and 9800 kcal/kg.

135. How does define a "barrel"? How many liters and Gallons in a US barrel of crude oil?

The "barrel" is a volumetric unit.

1 barrel is equivalent to 42 U.S. gallons or 34.97 Imperial gallons or

158.99 liters or 5.615 Cubic feet.

How many liters and Gallons in a US barrel of crude oil?

159 Liters, 42 Gallons


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