
Safety Interview Questions 1

Safety Interview Questions 1 contains following questions

1. What is SAFETY OHS? 

2. What is Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)? 

3. What is Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts Environmental Incidents?

4.What is Ill Health, agronomic, HSE Policy?

5. What is HSE Policy?

6. What is HSE Performance, HSE Objective?  

7. What is document, Record?

8. What is Non-conformity, Corrective action, Preventive action?

9. What is Lost Time Incident / Accident, Reportable Lost Time Injury (LTI)?  

10. What is Man hours worked? What is Man days lost?


1. What is SAFETY OHS?


Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm.

The protection of people from physical injury-



The protection of bodies and minds of people from illness resulting from the materials, processes or procedures used in the workplace  


Surrounding in which an organization operates including Air, Water, Land, Natural resources, Floura & fanna, human and their internships.  


Conditions and factors that affect or could affect the health & safety of personnel & other  workers (including temporary workers & contractor personnel),  visitors or any other person in the work place.

2. What is Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)? 

This OHSAS Standard is based on the methodology known as Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA).  

PDCA can be briefly described as follows.


Establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the organization’s OHS policy.  

  • Establish ESH Policy
  • Carry out ESH risk Assessment
  • Establish Goals and Objectives
  • Prepare Operational Control Procedures
  • Prepare Improvement Programmes
  • Prepare Emergency Response Plan

Implement the processes  
  • Assign Responsibility & Authority
  • Allocate Resources
  • Impart Awareness & Training
  • Ensure Communication
  • Implement OCPs
  • Conduct Mock Drills
  • Keep Record


Monitor and measure the processes against OHS Policy, Objectives, legal and other requirements and report the results.  

  • Measure & Monitor ESH Parameters
  • Audit performance
  • Take Corrective and Preventive Actions


Take action to continually improve OHS Management System

  • Review Performance & revise

ILO- OHS 2001 Management System Model

i. Policy

ii. Organizing

iii. Planning & Implementation

iv. Evaluation

v. Action for Improvement

vi. Audit

vii. Continual Improvement

HSG65 Management System Model

i. Policy

ii. Organizing

iii. Planning & Implementation

iv. Measuring Performance/Monitoring

v. Review

vi. Audit


3. What is Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts Environmental Incidents?

Environmental Aspects

Elements of an organization activities/ products/ services that can interact with the environment.

Environmental Impacts

Any change to the environment whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s aspects.

Environmental Incidents

Incidents which can cause adverse effect on environment (oil spillage, emission of gases etc.)

4.What is Ill Health, agronomic, HSE Policy?

Ill Health

Identifiable, adverse, physical or mental conditions arising from / made worse by a work activity / work related situation is termed as “ill health”.  


The relationship between worker & working equipments and the environment.  

HSE Policy

Overall intention & direction of an organization related to its HSE performance as formally expressed by top management. 


5. What is HSE Policy?

Overall intention & direction of an organization related to its HSE performance as formally expressed by top management.  

Content of HSE Policy:-

i. Statement of intent- it is one top page of policy signed by top management (MD/CEO etc.)  

ii. Organization- in this section roles and responsibilities of all employees from bottom to top are clearly defined  

iii. Arrangement section- it deals with proactive/active and reactive monitoring. 

Proactive/ Active Monitoring:- 

Which insures that health and safety standards are correct in the work place before accident, incident and ill health are caused/ It is concerned with checking standards before unwanted event occurs.  

(Safety Audit, Safety Inspection, Safety Survey, Safety Tour, Safety Sampling, Health Surveillance, Benchmarking, Risk Assessments/ JSA, Method statement, Safe System of work, Information, Different types of training, Supervision etc.)  

Reactive Monitoring: - 

It’s using accident, incident, other unwanted events/ situations and ill health as indicators of health & safety performance to highlight area of concern.  

(Accident Investigation, Data on accidents/ incidents/ near misses/ ill health/ first aid cases/  Enforcement action/ Complaints from the work  force etc.)

6. What is HSE Performance, HSE Objective?  

HSE Performance

Measureable results of an organization’s management of its H&S risks and environmental aspects.  

HSE Objective

HSE goal in terms of HSE performance that an organization sets itself to achieve.  

HSE Goal should be SMART- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timescale  

7. What is document, Record?


Information and its supporting medium.


Document stating result achieved or providing evidence of activities performed.  


8. What is Non-conformity, Corrective action, Preventive action?


Non fulfillment of requirement.

Corrective action

Action to eliminate the causes of detected non

conformities or other undesirable situation.

Preventive action

Action to eliminate the causes of potential non

conformities or other undesirable potential situation. 

9. What is Lost Time Incident / Accident, Reportable Lost Time Injury (LTI)?  

Lost Time Incident

Any injury/ illness, which results in an employee/ worker being unable to work or absent from his /her work beyond the day or shift or if not reporting within 24 hours.  

Reportable Lost Time Injury (LTI)

Any injury causing death or disablement of injured person for 48 hours or more excluding the day of the shift on which accident occurred.

10. What is Man hours worked? What is Man days lost?

Man hours worked

Total number of employees hours worked is called total man hours worked.  

Man days lost

The day on which the injury occurred and the day the injured person return to the work. 


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Thanks for reading - Safety Interview Questions 1
Naitik Patel
Industrial Guide

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