
Technical Interview Questions - 9 Chemistry Special

Technical Interview Questions - 9 Chemistry Special contains question about Chemistry, chemical change, physical change, element, compound, atom, Atomic number, Atomic weight

91. What is chemistry?
92. What is a chemical change?
93. Give example of physical change?
94. What are the forms in which matter exists?
95. What is ele

91. What is chemistry?

Chemistry is the study of the composition of matter.

92. What is a chemical change?

A change, in which a new substance with different properties is formed, is known as chemical change.

93. Give example of physical change?

Dissolving sugar in water

94. What are the forms in which matter exists?

Elements Compounds and Mixture of elements and compounds.

95. What is an atom? What is it made up of?

Atoms are smallest particles of elements which can exist with the properties of the element. Different atoms of the same elements are alike in always, atoms of different elements are unlike. 

It consists of a nucleolus composed of proton and neutrons with electrons around the nucleus, protons are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged and neutrons are neutral.

96. What are the more abundant elements in the earth's crust?


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